About Us

Our Story

We were all student pilots back in the day, we understand that thorough and proper preparation is key, our content is designed to equip you with the tools you need to succeed in your pilot endeavours.

Years later after finishing flight training and progressing with our aviation careers, we looked into how we could improve the aviation community and standard of learning by offering what we did not have, but very much needed.

During our flight training, flight test ground component preparation and theory is what we felt lacked in support and guidance. 

In 2019 whilst instructing at a flight school, we started developing flight test ground component study material to guide students on what is needed for the flight test ground component section.

Years later we now offer a complete booklet trilogy for RPL, PPL and CPL to help students all around Australia, and have many happy student pilots and instructors using our resources.

Our Ground Component Study Guides and Short Pilot Theory Courses are specifically crafted to empower Australian student pilots, giving the correct guidance and knowledge required to be confident during flight tests and examinations.

The guides and courses are finely tuned to align with CASR Part 61, 91, 135, 141 and associated MOS’s ensuring that you receive the latest and most relevant training.

Major League Aviation – MLA was founded in 2023 with the aim to help better the aviation community.

Before creating Major League Aviation, our team members all started off as Grade 3 instructors nearly 10 years ago, after hard work, persistence and dedication some moved onto airlines, some became CASA testing officers, one even created a very successful CASA Part 141 flight school and was the youngest CEO in Australia. 

The team at MLA have a wide variety of knowledge, experience and skills in many aviation sectors.

Trying to find the right person for the job can be tricky at times, our current project (in-progress) is the “MLA Matrix” which will help connect pilots through the website to aviation companies or individuals for services Australia wide, aviation services such as: AELP assessments, medical practices with DAME’s, CASA flight examiners, theory providers etc.

Join us today in the major league and take the first steps towards becoming a skilled and knowledgeable pilot.